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Even though this is the beginning of the new year we still have so many more holidays to come. Carriers’ holidays always seem to be mis-understood. Management can’t seem to get it right. They either let the wrong carriers off, fail to post the volunteer list the Tuesday preceding the service week in which the holiday falls, or they assign the wrong carriers in to work. There are 10 days to be considered holidays for full-time and part-time regular scheduled employees. To see more on Article 11 Holiday you can refer to the JCAM where this has been taken in part. You can also view the Local Memorandum of Understanding (LMOU).

Joint Contract Administration Manual (JCAM) Article 11- Holidays

​Holidays to be observed.

New Year’s Day

Labor Day

Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday

Columbus Day

Presidents Day

Vertans Day

Memorial Day

Thanksgiving Day

Independence Day

Christmas Day

Section 5. Holiday on Non-Work Day

A. When a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as the holiday. When a holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the holiday.

B. When an employee’s scheduled non-work day falls on a day observed as a holiday, the employee’s scheduled workday preceding the holiday shall be designated as that employee’s holiday.

11.6.A Section 6. Holiday Schedule

A. The Employer will determine the number and categories of employees needed for holiday work and a schedule shall be posted as of the Tuesday preceding the service week in which the holiday falls.

B. As many full-time and part-time regular schedule employees as can be spared will be excused from duty on a holiday or day designated as their holiday. Such employees will not be required to work on a holiday or day designated as their holiday unless all casuals and parttime flexibles are utilized to the maximum extent possible, even if the payment of overtime is required, and unless all full-time and part-time regulars with the needed skills who wish to work on the holiday have been afforded an opportunity to do so.


C. An employee scheduled to work on a holiday who does not work shall not receive holiday pay, unless such absence is based on an extreme emergency situation and is excused by the Employer.

D. Qualified CCAs will be scheduled for work on a holiday or designated holiday after all full-time volunteers are scheduled to work on their holiday or designated holiday. They will be scheduled, to the extent possible, prior to any full-time volunteers or non-volunteers being scheduled to work a nonscheduled day or any full-time non-volunteers being required to work their holiday or designated holiday. If the parties have locally negotiated a pecking order that would schedule full-time volunteers on a nonscheduled day, the Local Memorandum of Understanding will apply. See pages 6 and 7


2019-2023 Local Memorandum of Understanding between NALC Branch 283 ~ Houston and U.S. Postal Service


  1. In scheduling employees to perform duties on their holiday or day designated as their holiday, the following sequence shall be followed:

A. PTF's shall be utilized to the maximum extent possible.

B. Volunteers whose holiday or designated holiday is the day in question shall be scheduled by seniority.

C. Volunteers whose non-scheduled work day is the day in question will be scheduled by seniority.

D. City Carrier Assistants shall be utilized to the maximum extent possible.

E. Non-volunteers whose non-scheduled work day is the day in question shall be scheduled by juniority.

F. Non-volunteers whose holiday or designated holiday is the day in question will be scheduled by juniority.

2. The holiday schedule shall be posted as of the Tuesday preceding the service week in which the holiday falls.



National Association of Letter Carriers

Branch #283


2414 Broadway Street

Houston, Texas 77012

Office: 713-641-2366

Fax: 713-641-0221

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