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- Publications | NALC 283
Publications NALC 283 Green Book Local Negotiations NALC 283 Blue Book Local Negotiations NALC 283 White Book Local Negotiations NALC 283 Red Book Local Negotiations M-41-City-Delivery-Carriers-Duties-and-Responsibilities-June-2019 STANDARD TRAINING PROGRAM FOR CITY LETTER CARRIERS.2013 Dignity & Respect 2019-2023-National-Agreement-Bookmarked M-39-Management-of-Delivery-Services-June-2019
- Entering a new era of IoT | NALC 283
< Back Entering a new era of IoT Derek Wells Mar 18, 2023 This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. Want to view and manage all your collections? Click on the Content Manager button in the Add panel on the left. Here, you can make changes to your content, add new fields, create dynamic pages and more. Your collection is already set up for you with fields and content. Add your own content or import it from a CSV file. Add fields for any type of content you want to display, such as rich text, images, and videos. Be sure to click Sync after making changes in a collection, so visitors can see your newest content on your live site. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Previous Next
- NALC Headquarters | NALC 283
NALC Headquarters NALC Bulletin NALC Postal Record NALC Press Room NALC Latest News and Updates
- Letter Carrier Information | NALC 283
Letter Carrier Information Miscellaneous 2011 USPS/NALC National Agreement 2017 Rotating Calendar After 5 Agreement After 5 Payment Agreement Current Pay Chart Douglas Factors How to Read the Workhour / Workload Report Joint Statement on Violence Letter Carriers Guide NALC Bulletin Pay Stub Explanation Pub 32- Glossary/ Acronyms Pub 553-Sexual Harassment Reasons for line J on the PS 3996 .....additional PS 3996 reasons Time Conversion Table Update your address with NALC U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board Weingarten Kalkalines Houston City-Wide Bid 2018 Houston City Wide Bid Cycle Current Houston City Wide Bids Houston City Wide Bid Awards (Effective Date: May 12, 2018) Manual Bid Cards How to bid on vacant routes Leave How to Request for Unscheduled Leave Management Instructions - Annual Leave Sharing Annual Leave Sharing Policy Form 3970D Request to Donate Leave Form 3970R Request to Receive Donated Leave Court Leave Article 10 - JCAM Route Inspection NALC-City Delivery M-39 Chapter 2-Mail Counts And Route Inspections M-41 Chapter 9-Mail Counts And Route Inspections M-01846 - This jointly-developed document provides the mutual understanding of the national parties on issues related to the Memorandum of Understanding, Re: City Delivery Route Alternative Adjustment Process- 2014-2015. It is intended for use by the parties at all levels in properly applying the terms of the City Delivery Route Alternative Adjustment Process. NALC Guide to Route Inspections CDRAAP M01845 Edit Book Training Manual Retirement Branch Update NALC-Retirement Civil Service Retirement System(CSRS) Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) Disability Retirement Handbook EL-502 NALCREST Application Need Help With Retirement Process? Office Of Personnel Management Benefits Safety Houston District Safety Policy Safety / Health Publications FORM 1767 Instructions FORM 1767 Report Hazardous Conditions Dog Bite Awareness Handbook EL-802, Safety Compliance Guide Handbook EL-814 Postal Employee Guide To Safety Article 14 - JCAM ELM 810 First Aid Info
- OWCP Information | NALC 283
Injured on the Job OWCP Information When you are injured on the job (work-related injury or illness), you have the obligation to report it to your supervisor before the end of the tour. Second, seek medical attention. Then complete the correct forms through the EComp website . use ECOMP to report the incident to your supervisor. If you are a Federal Employee you may also file a claim for benefits under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA). Depending upon your agency, start by filing OSHA's Form 301, then file a claim using either form CA-1 (for traumatic injury) or form CA-2 (for occupational disease). After you have received an official FECA case number, you may also file form CA-7 (Claim for Compensation). NALC more information Injured Employees Branch Update OWCP NALC Workers Compensation Limited Duty Handbook What do you do when you are injured on the job? Supervisor's CA1 Checklist Article 13 ELM OWCP Forms CA-1 Notice of Traumatic Injury CA-2 Notice of Occupational Disease CA-2a Notice of Recurrence CA-7 Claim for Compensation CA-7a Time Analysis form/repurchase paid leave CA-16 Authorization for Examination and/or Treatment CA-17 Duty Status Report CA-20 Attending Physicians Report
- Branch 283 Officers | NALC 283
NALC #283 Staff Willie Ferguson President 713-591-0671 Rickey Dueboay Vice President 713-591-2240 Perla Garza Financial Secretary 713-591-0675 Ethel Ford Assistant Financial Secretary 346-234-5677 Kevin Phillips Sgt-At-Arms James Minton Health Benefits Representative 713-591-0674 John R. Butler M.B.A. Representative 713-397-9530 Tina McGee Editor 281-935-4191 NALC Trustees Karen Green LC Johnson Senovio Lopez Stephen Melchor Henry Sanchez
- NBA Region 10 | NALC 283
National Business Agent Shawn Boyd, Dallas, TX, Branch #132 NALC Region 10 2001 Lakeside Pkwy Flower Mound TX 75028-4028 281-540-5627 Regional Administrative Assistants Karrie Blough, Houston, TX Branch #283
- Letter Carrier Resources | NALC 283
Letter Carrier Resource Guide FMLA WH-380-Family FMLA WH-380-Employee How-to Properly Send in Last Punch M-41 City Delivery Carriers Duties and Responsibilities June 2019 Standard Training Program For City Letter Carriers-2013 Request to see a Steward Form PS Form 3971-Annual Leave Request Letter Carrier Resources
- Legislation | NALC 283
Legislation Contact NALC Legislation Staff Find your elected officials and regional NALC legislative contacts. Legislation Update Six-day delivery (H.Res. 12) As it has for generations, the U.S. Postal Service provides affordable universal service as directed by the U.S. Constitution. In 1983, Congress first adopted an appropriations rider that required the Postal Service to deliver mail six days a week, a rider that has been included in every appropriations measure since. And for more than three decades, the Postal Service has been trying to find a way to eliminate that requirement. NALC supports H.Res. 12, which calls on Congress and the Postal Service to take all appropriate steps to continue six-day mail delivery. Fact Sheet | H.Res. 12 on Pre-funding of future retiree health benefits Fact Sheet
- FAQs | NALC 283
Frequently asked questions How do I properly send in my last punch picture and writeup? When you are about to retire, or if you know someone who is going to retire, please make sure you follow these guidelines. If you are planning on retiring and you wish to send in a picture, make sure your picture is taken from the waist up, and please make sure your picture is taken at the time clock. Do not send in a full-length picture. We will have to crop it, and chances are the picture will come out clearer if it is close. Before you send the picture, please, please take the time to make sure your picture comes out clear. Look at the pictures, and if it looks blurry to you then it is going to turn out that way. Your picture will not look good once it has been printed. What you see is what you get! You can send at least two pictures for us to choose from. Remember, this is your last punch you will ever make at the post office, and it is important that your picture turns out good! Whether you are sending the write up for your co-worker or if you are sending it in for yourself, please make sure you have the following information: Full name Name of the station where they made their last punch. Date of retirement How many years they worked for the post office? How many years they served in the military and which branch. What you plan on doing once you are retired Take the time to make sure the picture(s) are clear. If you have an older phone, ask a co-worker to take the picture for you. You can send all your information to me at or text me at 281-935-4131. If you send it to my email, please put in the subject bar RETIREMENT PICTURE and text me so that I will know you sent me an email. If you wish to text me the information, just make sure that I received everything you have sent. Thank you for helping make yours or your co-workers retirement picture a memorable one! Where can I find steward forms? Select the link above to access the latest forms.
- Health Benefits | NALC 283
Divided We Fall United We Stand. Representation & Collective Negotiation Health Benefits Mutual Benefit Association (MBA) Safer Working Conditions